join a party

美 [dʒɔɪn ə ˈpɑːrti]英 [dʒɔɪn ə ˈpɑːti]
  • 加入政党
join a partyjoin a party
  1. How could I join a party like that ?


  2. If your friends ask you to join a party there , what would you do ?


  3. Dialogue : john : honey , we are going to join a party for Christmas tonight .


  4. No negro wanted to join a party made up entirely of sinners , so they hastened to join the Republicans .


  5. I may wish to join a party , to write a book or to marry – but in such a case what is usually called my will is probably a manifestation of a prior and more spontaneous decision .


  6. Many varied motive prompt individual to join a political party .


  7. Many varied motives prompt individuals to join a political party .


  8. They invited me to join in a party the day before yesterday .


  9. He can join a family party to go down the Rhine .


  10. Among the answers to that one are vote , join a political party , run for office or write to a newspaper .


  11. A PPP spokesman says party members in parliament not directly affected by the ruling will join a new party that already has been created .


  12. The university party organization in the fumble to joins a political party in the activist raise education work , summarized some to join a political party the activist raise education experience .


  13. Although there are no other nights up for grabs , visitors have the chance to tour the apartment ( and perhaps sneak in a nap on the couch ! ) , join a match viewing party or skip the normal Eiffel Tower line by entering a competition online .


  14. Do you join me in a cocktail party tonight ?


  15. A : Hey , Andy , come and join us for a dress party ? It will be a real laugh .
